July 25, 2024

taking out the trash
after choosing a new fighter —
more spring in my step

July 24, 2024

when did cicadas
become the loudest voice?
(late night summer choir)

July 23, 2024

waking up tired —
come sit next to me and breathe
be my calm center

July 22, 2024

mosquito morning —

a fast-flying hummingbird

adds to the buzz


July 21, 2024

full moon with crickets —
our half-eaten garden flowers
plan to try again

July 20, 2024

sage in summer —
I run my fingers through it
to bring the scent with me

July 19, 2024

the sound of the wind
translated into scratches —
branch tips at the screen

July 18, 2024

squirrels with white tails —
reactions separating
visitors from locals

July 17, 2024

stand over the sink,
peach juice dripping down your arm —
let summer run out