Sarah of The Rain in My Purse made an intriguing offer back in May... is there an expiration date? If you answer these seven questions, she will use your answers to recommend a book of poetry for you to read. Here are the questions:
1. You’re expecting a baby girl. Which of these names would you choose for her?
a. Lilian b. Abagail c. Siena d. Cody e. Deborah f. Maria
2. Beatles or Stones?
3. Which of the following would be your choice of pet?
a. Beagle b. Siamese cat c. Mynah bird d. Seahorse
4. If you could change careers, what would you like to be?
5. Which of these mostly closely matches your present mood?
a. distant b. volatile c. content d. exuberant
e. preoccupied f. melancholy g. dissatisfied
6. Which city would you like to spend a year in?
a. Amsterdam b. La Paz c. Athens d. Chengdu e. Paris f. Honolulu
7. Name three of your favorite words.
And here are my answers:
1. Lillian, but with two "l's," after Lillian Hellman
2. Beatles (brainwashed in my youth)
3. beagle (had one as a child)
4. ummm... part-time reference librarian, full-time poet?
5. content
6. Amsterdam
7. ausgezeichnet, fathom, grin
Hope you're still playing, Sarah!