May 30, 2024

long morning walk —
low hanging branches bless me
with leftover rain

May 29, 2024

the front yard bunny
calmly nibbles a souvenir
from our garden

May 28, 2024

humming to myself
with no idea of the tune —
my wife hums it back

May 27, 2024

clouds on their way out —
wind-tossed leaves gracing us with
a second-round rain

May 26, 2024

new growth 

showing off in brighter green

all the light it gathered

May 25, 2024

grateful for this day
when saplings filled out enough
to offer some shade

May 24, 2024

come drop another
stepping stone into the creek —
look out, crayfish!

May 23, 2024

just two weeks
from hatching to flying —
busy fledgling cardinals

May 22, 2024

gardening at dusk —
we put the worms back
where we found them

May 21, 2024

what if the names
our parents gave us 
were temporary

May 20, 2024

front yard bunny
working its way down the edge
of our shared garden

May 19, 2024

warbling orioles
deftly weaving cattail tufts
into their nests

May 18, 2024

grackles in the yard
teaching Rosie a new word —

May 17, 2024

strawberry season —
our smallest sharp paring knife
important again

May 16, 2024

after more rain
a fox visits to remind us
to stay hydrated

May 15, 2024

the rain picks back up
in the middle of the night —
we dream of rivers

May 14, 2024

starting to fall —
azalea petals giving in
to insistent rain

May 13, 2024

light enough now
to dig into more yard work
just after dinner

May 12, 2024

one last train whistle —
the clouds move off as well,
making space for stars

May 11, 2024

bamboo shoots —
we wonder if we could
borrow a panda

May 10, 2024

in the morning
we discovered that the deer
had found the tulips

May 09, 2024

second floor windows
opened up as it cools off —
night air tumbling down

May 08, 2024

wisteria vine
feeling its way to the roof
as we sleep

May 07, 2024

too worn out to move —
a squirrel just looking around
on this first hot day

May 06, 2024

cultivating softness —
we find a perfect spot for
the new pussywillow

May 05, 2024

Quaker meeting —
we and the birds birds leave silence
between messages

May 04, 2024

urban camouflage —
a red and black moth blends in
with the graffiti

May 03, 2024

May 02, 2024

so much splashing 
the bird bath needs refilling —
first days of May

May 01, 2024

stutter-step —
we only feel the earthquake
once we're standing still