butwait.blogspot.com || At least one haiku I am comfortable sharing. Every day.
September 30, 2013
the leaves that neither
turned brilliant colors nor fell —
this is their haiku
September 29, 2013
out of town guests
making hand-gathered bouquets
of our fallen leaves
September 28, 2013
the fox by the road — lines drawn with liquid grace, even in death
September 27, 2013
cooler days —
mayflies come inside to say
hello and goodbye
September 26, 2013
laughing at myself
when the neighbor’s darn porch light
turns beautiful moon
September 25, 2013
box of owl pellets —
the science teacher stands there
September 24, 2013
the day’s early start —
a spider begins her web
in moonlight
September 23, 2013
the call and response
of bedtime affirmations —
love’s layered quilts
September 22, 2013
day’s end
and the sound of a dog’s sigh
curling into it
September 21, 2013
black before
the rest of the world goes dark —
pine trees at dusk
(Last week, Jonathan Ferrell, a former Florida A&M football player who recently moved to the Charlotte, N.C., area to be with his fiancée, had a horrible car crash. The 24-year-old broke out the back window to escape and walked, injured, to knock on the nearest door for help. Now, Ferrell is dead. The neighbor he asked for aid called 911 (“He is trying to kick down my door,” she cried on the phone), and one of the responding police officers shot the unarmed Ferrell 10 times.)
September 20, 2013
in advance we decide not to mind if it rains
September 19, 2013
her confident gaze — this time, surely, the tree hides a squirrel
(With Robin Segal and Junie in Toronto.)
September 18, 2013
following a path
shaped by the needs of deer —
food, water, safety
September 17, 2013
“Go look at the moon,”
she tells me, and I try to,
but here comes a cloud...
September 16, 2013
late night walk —
wishing the skunk family
the best of health
September 15, 2013
these now-bare branches
stirring up the Milky Way —
cold nights on their way
September 14, 2013
sweeping the porch
at the end of the party —
autumn breeze
September 13, 2013
we can’t get over
her busy little nibbles —
backyard bunny
September 12, 2013
distant sirens
and the shine of wet pavement
after the storm (Holding the people of Seaside Heights in my heart.)
September 11, 2013
oh, okay, August
come back to visit —
but just for today!
September 10, 2013
one last heat wave —
I join the spirea,
wilt at the edges
September 09, 2013
autumn’s colors —
a brand new folder
for every subject
September 08, 2013
honking and jostling
over this year’s alphabet —
geese getting ready
September 07, 2013
it seems we’re adrift
until we look behind
and see our wake
September 06, 2013
moonless night
my father’s voice in my head —
as I name the stars
September 05, 2013
old climbing tree
so big it fills up the frame
of this summer day
September 04, 2013
poking holes
in the morning’s fabric —
treetop crows
September 03, 2013
mosquitoes sneak in
to hum duets with our
September 02, 2013
end of the day —
discovering that we both saw
that tiny bunny
September 01, 2013
the slamming screen door — not fast enough to keep summer from slipping out