August 29, 2006

Morning News Haiku

Where is the true world
with its shared dreams of spring thaw?
Who makes their home there?

(Thanks to One Deep Breath for the inspiration.)


Anonymous said...

I guess the answer to the haiga is to be "the faces of our youth" pictured. I haven't seen a photo as a reply to a poem in this way before. Interesting method.

susanlavonne said...

Welcome to ODB!
I especially like the last line of your haiku...such a resonance of truth in how you paired the photo with the haiku :-)

Lil said...

Great haiku Shelley!

Seeing as you're a FLickr Mama, take a look at my latest blog...


Tammy Brierly said...

Thought provoking haiku with the answer in your photo...clever!

Jennifer S. said...

yes, excellent (welcome to ODB!)

Shelley said...

Thanks for your kind comments, everyone. I wrote my next contribution in my head while driving to the grocery store... an interesting feeling.