September 01, 2006

Fortunes, Wishes, and Gifts

My Fortune Is

Resist convention. Follow instead the thread of your happiness. Tell stories.
My Story List (mostly just titles so far)

I like the idea of creating your own fortune cookie. What message would you be thrilled to read on that little strip of paper? What gift would you give yourself? I always loved the parts of folk tales in which the fairy godmothers bestowed gifts. Genii's, too. I used to plan for what I would do if someone showed up and offered me my three wishes. (Would using up an entire wish on the demise of all mosquitos be worth it? Or would it completely mess up the ecological balance? I remember agonizing over this one.) Eventually I gave up, figuring that it just wasn't meant to be.

But as I get older I wonder if maybe my fairy godmother just did her work quietly. Someone has given me some incredible gifts. My partner. Our son. My confidence in my own path even through those dark times when it seemed that I would be walking it alone.

(Thanks to the folks at Fortune Cookie Generator
and hello to all the Sunday Scribblers!)


Anonymous said...

I am sure that you have a wonderful fairy godmother. And it is great that you feel so content with your life! May all your other wishes come true!

DJPare said...

Maybe you rubbed up against a Genie's lamp one night in your sleep and asked for thoses wishes in your dreams? Now you have them...Congrats!

NuttersNotes said...

Yes....this is tempting me to actually make some fortune cookies. I liked the contentment that you are feeling. Capture all of the deeper reasons for your contentment while you are in this precious may be something nice to come back to someday

MJJ Insider said...

I used to also do the "what would I choose if I had 3 wishes??" thing ...

Amazing that you've made your own fortune - and recognise how fortunate you are already. =)

Ceebie said...

oops sorry...You didn't visit my blog (yet, I hope) but thanks for your thought-provoking post!

GreenishLady said...

I like the message you got on that Fortune Cookie (when I tried it out, I got a fortune I would not want to display on my blog!), and I love your list of stories. Treasure your good fortune. It's really nice that you say how fortunate you feel.

Lil said...

It's great that age and perspective can make us see that our life can and probably always was full of good fortunes, however big or small!

What fortunes would I give myself?? Hmmmm, right now just some R&R away from everyone one would be nice...on some hot, abandoned island...not identafiable on any man-made map...attended only by some cladly-dressed get the idea!