November 20, 2006

Senses Haiku

The warm smell of bread,
a dark room lit by laughter:
thigh becomes pillow.

(Thanks to the women of One Deep Breath
for their continuing inspiration.
And, if you're up for a silly haiku-style suggestion for tonight's dinner,
pop on over to Bill Keagy's What's For Dinner site.)


Anonymous said...

A wonderful, sensory haiku, that really inspires all the senses at once! I love "dark room lit by laughter" :)


Roswila said...

I love "thigh becomes pillow..." As I read it I could not only see it, but feel it in memory. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely image and haiku for a cold damp winter night!

Anonymous said...

What a pleasant sense poem! I can smell that bread!

Anonymous said...

This is a great haiku...I can smell the bread now!

Anonymous said...

Like the scene you capture. Lovely warm light in photo. Bloggity goodness is a delightful little phrase itself.

Andromeda Jazmon said...

Mmmm that is lovely.

Anonymous said...
