May 28, 2007

Common Ground Haiku

All day, strangers ask
each other, "Did you see it?"
Last night's heat lightning.

Four boys lined the bank,
each watching his line for signs
of hungry catfish.

(Thanks to the women of One Deep Breath
whose inspiring prompt this week ("Common Ground") helped me
realize that I'd experienced Sunday night's lightning
as an opportunity for connection,
which in turn led me to write about common ground
in the heavens and in water.
And thanks to S, who made sure
that each boy would have his own rod
and then dug up some worms he knew
the catfish wouldn't be able to resist.)


Crafty Green Poet said...

It's all cold drizzle here at the minute - some heat lightning would be welcome! I think its wonderful when something like that acts a a topic of conversation between strangers.

All Blog Spots said...

nice blog