September 03, 2007

Thank Goodness for Grandparents

Yes, it's true. JT broke his leg. A huge bummer, but at least we were able to quickly offer up a suitably sturdy yet lightweight chariot! Thank you, Grammy and Grampy... as you can see, your wonderful wagon has now been pressed into service once again.

And this, Grandpa and Nana, is what the scooter-riding Birthday Boy looked like today. All day. He is a scootering fiend, and it's all thanks to you.

Tune in soon for the complete story of the chocolate pizza cake (with pictures!).


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, D!

Best wishes from a family with a new 6-year-old who starts 1st grade today!

~Jenn, Claire, Corley, Scott

angie said...

Happy (belated) birthday, D!

You share it with my youngest son, jZ, who turned 2 on Sept.3. :)

Hope it was a good one!