December 10, 2008


A few years ago, I put myself on a lifetime t-shirt restriction. Simply put, I do not allow myself to purchase t-shirts. I have enough t-shirts that I could probably wear a different one every day all summer without repeating.

I do graciously accept gifts of t-shirts. And thus my problem continues to grow.

Just now, as I was wading through my RSS feeds, I came across this idea via the Alternative Consumer site... up-cycling! (Taking a used item and re-purposing it to make it even more useful than it was before.)

The picture above is from an Etsy shop that specializes in giving your old treasured t-shirts new life as a blanket.

So. Cool.

That's all I wanted to say, really. A girl's gotta get dressed for work, and all.


Oonie said...

Oh, yes yes yes. Our uber-creative common acquaintance from the place we used to work, Meredith, has made two of these for us already and is working on a third. One was my husband's shirts. And the one I treasure most was my mother's shirts. When I am missing her it is very, very comforting to pull that quilt around me. Eventually she'll get to mine.
But I highly, highly, highly recommend this!
(And, it's a great way to commemorate favorite boy-clothes as well. I've tried to be more ruthless about passing on still-wearable outgrowns for the boys, but certain shirts are waiting in a tshirt-quilt pile of their own.)

Pris said...

What a great idea! My tee shirts breed, too. tons of them.