We arrived at my folks' house midday on Saturday
to help put a celebratory feel in their
Golden Anniversary Weekend.
Mr. D disappeared almost immediately...
(you can click on the picture
to embiggen it, if you think that might help)
Look, up in the tree!
It's a bird! It's a plane!
It's Super D!
Golden Anniversary Weekend.
Mr. D disappeared almost immediately...
(you can click on the picture
to embiggen it, if you think that might help)

It's a bird! It's a plane!
It's Super D!

TWO boys!
(Grandpa needing a hand in building
a new, higher tree platform is pretty much
Mr. D's working definition of heaven.)

my sister had so painstakingly crafted.
A big hit, as you can see.

"Grandpa gave me his Field Guide to look at."
(Even when he's not in a tree, he's in a tree.)

(Mr. D remembered the game,
but forgot to pack shirts.
Thus the borrowed extra-large one.)

offering up the first poppy of the season
as if to say,
50 years is worth celebrating...
(Terri and I will celebrate our 19th
anniversary this coming winter.
Plenty more years to grow on.)
anniversary this coming winter.
Plenty more years to grow on.)
Thank you for the new memories; what a lovely 2 days. And thank you for capturing them so beautifully. Love and Hugs,
Grandbanana :-)
I loved seeing this and reading it too - and congratulations to you and Terri!
how wonderful. :)
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