September 11, 2006

Katrina Tanka

Who will we be now?
Stayed or fled, living or dead,
Our world divided:
Heavy, and mangled past use.
Light, to be broken and strewn.

(More tanka at One Deep Breath.
More on Katrina here.)


susanlavonne said...

Both the tanka and photograph are so powerful! Thanks for such an important reminder.

Ian russell said...

yes, excellent tanka and sentiment.

Jennifer S. said...

wow, this is great. I love the light line in particular

jzr said...

Wow! this says it all ... photo and tanka. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great tanka. An importnat message well portrayed.

Kayt said...

Amazing! Excellent!!

Annie Jeffries said...

Deeply touching.

Tammy Brierly said...

Well done! Picture and tanka were powerful and full of emotion.