October 22, 2006


What did you used to wish for, back in the days when you still hoped that a genii might appear at any moment to offer you your three wishes?

My plan was to wish for the ability to stop time (so I could read more), the ability to read minds (nosy), and total mosquito eradication (duh). Although I worried about the possible ecological ramifications of that last one.

Invisibility never really made it into my top three.

Now, I have no time (coupled life + parenthood + engaging work + political activism + the internets + even more stuff I want to read), other people's minds remain a complete mystery, and mosquitos are likely to start showing up in places they ought not to, courtesy of global warming. But I do have moments when I struggle with the invisibility I never asked for.

Last weekend I traveled to California for my cousin's wedding with my five year old son in tow. People who don't know me reasonably wondered where my husband was. And I had to decide, on the fly, whether to cast aside my unasked for invisibility cloak or not. More and more in these moments, I choose truth over convenience. Because I believe that the public denial of one's loving relationships is bad for the soul. (See also Luke 22, verses 53-62.)

Meanwhile, in the world of science, invisibility cloaks are apparently right around the corner. (Hat tip to AET.)

Wonder if other people will decide it's not all it's cracked up to be?

(Thanks to Mama Says Om for their continuing inspiration.)


Unknown said...

Shelley, I really enjoyed this post....and how cool about the invisible cloak and I'm right there with you on Mosquito's....you know the state bird of New Jersey! lol!! I saw you are from Central Jersey [I'm not too far away] and I had to laugh when I scrolled to the bottom of your blog....so what type of toppings do you like on your pizza?

Peace, Tara Marie [Momma Says Om]

Shelley said...

Pepperoni, all the way, possibly sausage (but I'm very picky), and keep those little fishies out of it, thank you very much!

tracey clark said...

Being true to yourself is one of the most important of life's virtues. I commend you on choosing truth. If others don't see it for it's beauty, that's only their loss. Life is too short to remain invisible.

Anonymous said...

I used to wish that I'd never tire so that I didn't have to get out of the lake... but more generally, I used to wish that everybody would understand what I was all about, instead of think I'm weird. In a way, I guess I wished for transparency, which is total understanding and acceptance, WITH awareness, which is not the same as invisibility, since that suggests hiding. Funny how transparency and invisibility seem to close, but are in one sense opposites.

Anonymous said...

Love it. I never really wished for invisibility but I always thought that Professor X trick to control people's minds was cool. Or better yet, to persuade them to change their minds on their own. Then maybe I could get my wish for world peace too!