We didn't go out. (Except to snag some last minute provisions this morning.)
Instead, we spent our whole day inside, opening our home to as many international Princeton undergrads as we could possibly squeeze in.
Early on, it seemed as if Princeton maybe hadn't gone co-ed after all...

In what has become our Thanksgiving tradition, we tuck them under our wing and try to offer them a "traditional" American Thanksgiving, while at the same time explaining to them how we've tweaked it to include them and a whole bunch of side dishes neither of us ever had growing up in upstate New York.
And the pressure is totally off. They're so happy and grateful, if I mess something up, we just laugh it off and make a note for next year. Ran out of ice cream. Could have skipped the crudites.
D has never known any other Thanksgiving. And his list of helper duties gets longer every year. Last year, washing the potatoes. This year, washing and MASHING!

(Thanks to the women of Mama Says Om
for their continuing inspiration.)
for their continuing inspiration.)
I like knowing that all around the world people know about the R-K family what your friends know in abundance: you will take us in, feed us, and make us smile. You've done that for us more times than I can count and we are so very grateful.
That's fantastic - how generous of you to do this for the kids! Wow.
This sounds like a great tradition. So, what time do I show up next year? :-)
This is very thoughtful of you. Sounds like a lot of work, too, though the psychological rewards are probably great.
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