Say yes as often as you can.
So as we made ready to drive past the Mercer Oak (actually Son of Mercer Oak, but that's another story), and D asked me if we could stop and play outside, I was primed.
I said yes.
We walked along the fence talking about split rails and the original oak and what people mean when they tie a yellow ribbon and whose shadow is taller and then he asked me if he could climb on the fence.
I said yes.

(Thanks to the women of Mama Says Om
for their continuing inspiration.)
for their continuing inspiration.)
Yes is the very best thing we can say to a child. So little that they ask really requires a no. Mostly, if we just stop for a moment and ask ourselves "why not?" the answer can be yes. Not always right away -- sometimes the answer is, "Yes, as soon as we finish the dishes we can do that" or some other such thing.
I think that's great advice to remember :)
That's awesome! We parents tend to say no too much. Thanks for the great lessen in "yes"!
Amy :)
I think that's awesome. Look at the beautiful moments you get to savor, when you say "yes". Love it!
What a million dollar smile! Thanks for the lovely post.
(just practicing)
He's a cutie.
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