April 16, 2010


For as long as I can remember, our Quaker Meeting has worked every spring to raise enough money to "adopt" the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen for a day. Members and attenders of the Meeting have also dedicated time and talent to a Good Friday Easter Egg Hunt at the soup kitchen, which I have been aware of but for some reason have never attended. The children of the meeting spend several Sundays making decorations and tucking candy into the plastic eggs that will be hidden. This year I decided the Mr. D and I would make the additional commitment of helping out at the event itself.

What a great day!

Watching the hunt

Easter Bunny Love

(D was concerned that this tiny egg hunter might need help...)

The space is not fancy.... but we make it so!

As we colored our own eggs
the next day,
we were still smiling
and trading stories about our time
at the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen.
Hope and new beginnings, indeed.

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