in the comments on this video,
and asked, "Who the heck doesn't like this song?!"
He's turning out nicely, we think.)

to a fancy breakfast of raisin challah French Toast.

in our neighbor's driveway called Mr. D's name,
so off he went...

Later, we went on a family bike ride to
our favorite bike store,
where Jay was able to show us a picture
of Mr. D's soon-to-be-delivered new bike!

The weather was not cooperating,
so we rode back home
and played several rounds of
Mille Bourne ("nice guy version").
(This version encourages players
to help each other out when they encounter
trouble on the road, and since the original version
is considerably more cutthroat,
"nice guy version" games tend to take a while.
No worries; we had all the time in the world.

We give Born To Be Wild six thumbs up!
And we remain grateful for each other's
love in our lives... not just on Forever Family Day,
but every day.
(For more Forever Family Day fabulousness,
I want to be a part of your family! Hey, wait a minute...I guess I am, by way of your blog. Thanks for saving me a seat at your virtual celebration.
Happy Forever Family Day, all!
That pic with the 3D glasses is about the cutest thing ever!! :) Happy Forever Family Day to all of you, and thanks for sharing it with the rest of us on your blog!
I'm with Zina. :)
In the Netherlands, people say "Gefeliciteerd!" for such important days. :) Yay you!
(Interestingly you also get "congratulated" on your birthday, so I suspect it isn't a completely literal translation...)
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