February 21, 2008

Broken Heart Song Snippet

Hey, look, we have audio!

This is a clip of Mr. D and me singing a section of the fabulous Kim Richey's song, "The Way It Never Was," from her Glimmer album.

You remember the way it never was
You've forgotten the things we didn't say
If you miss me the reason is because
You remember the way it never was...

Mr. D's favorite category of song these days is what he calls "broken heart songs," and this one is right up there with Joan Osborne's "Who Divided" from Pretty Little Stranger.

(Sometime if I have time (can you say snow day?),
I'll post a little "how to"... all you need for this is a phone
and some minor behind-the-scenes code-slinging!
In the meantime, though... any requests?)


Nancy Bea Miller said...

Adorable. My personal favorite "broken heart" songs are by Patsy Kline.

Anonymous said...

awesome duet!