Mr. D and I had a terrific visit with Grammy and Grampy this weekend.
We watched some amazing wrestling...

Re-established the boy-cousin bond:

And shared some great stories:
As Mr. D explains to Grampy in this picture, he was especially excited to be able to get his new wrestling shirt (the text reads, "Grappler for Life: the heart of a lion") autographed by the new New York State champion in the 119 lb. weight class, the amazing Steven Keith. Steven is a fierce and classy wrestler who is also a totally nice guy who will be attending Harvard in the fall (his mom, it seems, was rooting for Princeton, but hers was not the deciding vote... oh well!) With some luck, we'll get to see Steven wrestle again the next time the Princeton v. Harvard wrestling match is in New Jersey.I didn't get a picture of Mr. D and his Grammy delightedly poring over mathematical drawings and equations, but I suspect that there will be lots more photo opportunities in that category in the years ahead!This last picture was taken about 10 minutes after we pulled out of Grammy and Grampy's driveway:
Kind of makes you want to take a nap yourself, doesn't it?(Thanks again
for another great visit,
Grammy & Grampy!)